Located on the doorstep of the Banff National Park and only fifteen minutes from Banff, Howling Dog Tours is owned and operated by Rich and Dana Bittner, and is based in the Canadian Rockies resort town of Canmore, Alberta, Canada.
Our Background
Celebrating 30 years in business, they started their dog mushing career on the sprint racing circuit in Western Canada. Since 1989, they have participated in many competitive events, ranging from 4 to 150 mile races. They’ve raced throughout western Canada, and after living in Yellowknife, NWT, for 4 years, settled in Canmore, which has been the base of their mushing operations since 1995.
Howling Dog Tours is a family operation; Rich and Dana believe that everyone should experience the thrill of a dog sled racing team and the pristine beauty of the Canadian Rockies. Their two daughters, Karly and Sara, born and raised in Canmore, have been an integral part of the team, either guiding or providing excellent care for our sled dog family.
Come Howl With Us!

Why Choose Us
Premium Dog Care! Howling Dog Tours follows and exceed the standard dog care requirement set out by MUSH WITH PRIDE, an international organization which supports the responsible care and humane treatment of all dogs, and is dedicated to enhancing the care and treatment of sled dogs in their traditional and modern uses.
Second chance huskies! The majority of our sled dogs are adopted in from other kennels and we give them the life they were born for.
Premium Service without payout premium price! We guarantee:
- Sled exclusivity - No strangers on your sled
- Your own personal guide per sled
Learn why our sled dog tours are unmatched for safety, service & price in the Bow Valley.

Meet the Team
Howling Dog Tours has an average seasonal staff of 28, including 20 guides, 4 office staff and 4 van drivers.
Just like a sled dog team, the leaders need a good team behind them to get the job done. Rich and Dana have had the pleasure of working with many fantastic team members, from office, to van drivers and dog sled tour guides. A huge “Thank-you!” to all the staff members, past and present, for being part of the team.
Checkout our Facebook page for more guide photos and visit Our Dogs page for dog profiles and to learn more about them.

Our Location
The Howling Dog Tours is based out of Canmore, Alberta. All tours take place in the beautiful Spray Lakes Provincial Park, approximately 30 km south east of Banff on the Smith-Dorian Hi-way.
We pick up in Canmore or Banff. Out of town guests can meet at our centrally located pick up spots in both towns.

Looking for a great winter job that still gives you time to hit the hills? We've got the job for you!